If you are charged with a crime in Fort Worth, preparing for a trial can be a trying time. The ensuing actions taken by both yourself and your attorney may make the difference between an acquittal or having to face whatever penalties the State of Texas mandates for the infraction you allegedly committed.
One effective strategy depending on the circumstances of your case might be for you to undergo counseling or attend therapy. If you live in Fort Worth or the neighboring suburbs and were charged with a crime that might proceed to trial, consultation about whether to enroll in therapy or counseling before a Fort Worth trial with a defense attorney might prove beneficial.
How an Attorney Could Help
An experienced criminal defense lawyer may be able to offer advice on the possible upsides of therapy or counseling before a Fort Worth trial by:
- Reviewing their an individual’s case and determining if the crime they were accused of is something professional counseling or therapy might help address
- Utilizing a person’s attendance in such remedial programs as a means of strengthening their defense
- Helping with choosing a counseling or therapeutic program that is most tailored to a person’s specific needs and issues
A Fort Worth attorney might also possess professional connections that could expedite a person’s entrance or enrollment into a counseling program with a time-consuming admission period, or into sessions with a therapist who may typically have a long waiting list.
The Potential Benefits of Therapy and Counseling Before Trial
A prospective defendant’s therapeutic sessions or enrollment in a treatment program might not always impact the overall outcome of the case. However, it may still yield positive results in several ways, such as:
- Showing the court and law enforcement community that the accused individual is aware they have a problem and is executing steps to resolve it.
- Enabling the prospective defendant to appear in a more human, positive manner to the judge or jury who will be deciding on their case
- Encouraging prosecuting attorneys to seek less harsh penalties
Should the prospective defendant faithfully attend sessions, learn the steps necessary to avoid making the mistakes that landed them in trouble, and receive an overall good report from the professional whose tutelage they are under, such actions might convince prosecutors to offer a plea deal or ask the court to consider reduced fines and/or jail time if the accused is ultimately found guilty.
Benefits in Specific Cases
Therapy or counseling before a Fort Worth trial may prove particularly helpful to prospective defendants who are accused of DWI (Driving While Intoxicated) or DUI (Driving Under the Influence). Such remedial efforts might also be employed in drug possession and theft cases as well.
There is little downside to receiving therapy or counseling, and the benefits might pay huge dividends for a prospective defendant, with the aforementioned scenarios being just a few examples. Since one defendant might be operating under different circumstances than others, a lawyer in Fort Worth may be able to ascertain more benefits based on each individual’s case.
Talking to an Attorney About Therapy or Counseling Before a Trial in Fort Worth
Therapy or counseling before a Fort Worth trial might help your chances of gaining a more favorable outcome in a legal proceeding and may aid your attorney in formulating a stronger defense strategy. If you were charged with a crime and are facing a potential trial, and you believe counseling or therapy might prove positive, please contact us. We may be able to help you make this important decision.
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