A report on a media site has raised questions about the extent of crimes committed by undocumented people in Texas.
In 2015, a report on PJ Media purportedly cited Texas Department of Public Safety figures stating that illegal immigrants have been involved in thousands of crimes in Texas alone, including nearly 3,000 homicides.
PJ Media claimed to have seen a never-before-released copy of a Texas DPS report on human smuggling. The Texas Department of Public Safety analysis linked foreign aliens to 611,234 unique crimes in Texas from 2008 to 2014, including thousands of homicides and sexual assaults.

Are undocumented immigrants fueling crime in Texas?
Immigration & Crime In Texas: Facts Vs Myths
PJ Media, a right wing news source, said the figures pointed to an “alien crime wave of staggering proportions,” fueled by officials who were failing to enforce immigration policies.
However, the homicide figure echoes claims of former Texas Gov. Rick Perry who voiced concerns about undocumented immigrants who were crossing the border and committing crimes. He told TV host Glenn Beck in a 2014 interview there had been about 3,000 homicides committed by illegal aliens over the course of the last six years. He said.
“That’s unacceptable and that’s the reason that we have to secure that border.”
However, an investigation by Politifact Texas, highlighted issues in Perry’s analysis. A team of criminologists noted recent homicide charges appeared to have been lumped in with those leveled decades ago. Also, they noted, the Texas Department of Public Safety had tallied arrests only, not homicide convictions.
The election of Donald Trump in November and the high-profile pledge to deport unlawful immigrants who commit crimes has made immigrant crime a politically charged issue.
Opponents of immigration reforms cited the murder of Kathryn Steinle on the Embarcadero in San Francisco by an illegal alien as the most high-profile example of a crime committed by an alien.
Trump claims there are at least 2 million undocumented immigrants who have committed crimes that he will target for deportation. However, this figure was disputed as “fuzzy” in a report in the Washington Post.
If you are an undocumented immigrant who has been picked up for a crime, you may face a heavy sentence and deportation.
It makes sense to contact a Fort Worth Criminal defense attorney as soon as possible to defend your rights.
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