Driving While Intoxicated – Not Guilty By Judge’s Verdict
The Medlin Law Firm’s client was arrested and charged with DWI nearly two years ago in Tarrant County, Texas. Around 3 AM, he was pulled over on the highway after briefly stopping at a red light before proceeding. The Bedford Police Officer then initiated a hurried investigation, requesting that our client perform Standardized Field Sobriety Tests, which he failed according to the officer. When asked for a blood sample, our client refused, prompting the officer to obtain a warrant for his blood.
Cody Gomora, leveraging his experience as a former police officer, recognized the arresting officer’s inexperience and requested to question the officer before the state concluded its examination. Cody got the officer to admit that he had not verbally sworn to the truth of the affidavit. This seemingly minor detail had significant repercussions for our client’s case. The court suppressed the evidence obtained from the warrant, preventing the toxicological results of our client’s blood test from being admitted into evidence.
Due to Cody’s quick thinking and adaptability, the court found that, given the state’s evidence, no reasonable juror could find our client guilty. The court ordered a directed verdict, acquitting our client of Driving While Intoxicated.