Our client was arrested after law enforcement detained him at a gas station. A concerned citizen had called 911, reporting that our client had been at the gas station for over an hour. When the officer arrived, they found our client scrolling on his phone with two empty tequila bottles in his truck. The officer instructed our client to exit the vehicle and perform the standardized field sobriety tests (SFSTs). Allegedly, our client performed poorly and failed the tests. He was then arrested and taken to the police station, where a blood sample was requested. The blood test revealed a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.117%, exceeding Texas’s legal limit of 0.08%. Several months later, our client faced trial for DWI charges.
Securing a win for our client was crucial, as his livelihood as a truck driver depended on it. His commercial driver’s license (CDL) had already been suspended, and he needed a Not Guilty verdict to have it reinstated.
At trial, Matt and EJ challenged the legality of the traffic stop, had the blood test results suppressed, exposed flaws in the administration of the field sobriety tests, and persuaded the jury that the state failed to prove its case beyond a reasonable doubt. After just ten minutes of deliberation, the jury returned a NOT GUILTY verdict. Reflecting on the experience, our client said, “Medlin Law Firm is the choice to MAKE!! Matt and the rest of the team does an AMAZING job on getting the best outcome possible… I was found not guilty on a DWI charge and they shredded the prosecutors. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND!!!” This case underscores the value of experienced attorneys who can effectively contest the prosecution’s evidence and fight for their client in a DWI trial.
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