License Suspension & Reinstatement After A DWI
What’s the punishment for the first DWI offense in TX? The punishment for driving while intoxicated in Texas depends on your age, your blood alcohol level, the literal impact of the accident if you were in one, and the number of times you’ve been arrested for DWI.
In general, the first offense results in suspension of your driver’s license for a minimum of 90 days. If you refuse a chemical test to determine your blood alcohol level, it will be suspended for an additional 180 days unless you’re acquitted of DWI. A blood alcohol reading of over 0.15 will lead to additional penalties.
You could spend up to six months in jail, though most people only spend a few nights in jail unless you caused serious injury to another. You will pay a fine, but it is capped at two thousand dollars unless there are additional penalties due to the harm you caused. For example, intoxication assault is a third-degree felony. This crime means you caused loss of a limb or use of a body part and/or put the lives of others in serious jeopardy due to drunk driving. In this case, you’re looking at a loss of your license for at least a year, a fine of up to 10K, and a longer jail sentence.

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