Violent crime is the type of offense that worries citizens more than any other. In Texas, five cities recently appeared on a list of the most dangerous in the country for homicides and other violent crimes.
Neighborhood Scout, a data company analyzed FBI figures for cities with a population of 25,000 or more in its list of America’s Top 100 Most Dangerous Cities for 2017.
Crime Rates Surge In Selected Texas Cities
Neighborhood Scout drew on violent and property crime figures for its list.
Beaumont was included in the survey. It is the 92nd most dangerous city in the country. It has a violent crime rate of 9.28 per 1,000 residents compared to a Texas average of 4.12. Your chances of becoming a victim of violent crime in Beaumont are 1 in 108 compared to a Texas average of 1 in 243.
A resident’s chances of becoming a violent crime victim are higher in Lubbock which appeared at number 85 on the list. Your chances of becoming a victim of violent crime are 1 in 104. The violent crime rate is 9.63 per 1,000 residents.
Most lists of dangerous cities include Houston and Neighborhood Scout’s was no exception, reported MySanAntonio.
Houston experiences about 22,184 violent crimes and 101,879 property crimes every year, according to the ranking.
Your chances of becoming a violent crime victim in the largest city in Texas are 1 in 103, and the violent crime rate is 9.69 per 1,000 people.
Balch Springs was the 75th most dangerous city. However, it’s a city of just 25,000 plus people, and only one murder was noted.
The chances of becoming a victim of a violent crime in the city are 1 in 101, and there are 9.92 violent crimes per 1,000 residents.
Odessa in western Texas is highlighted as having the highest rate of violent crime in the state. It’s the 66th most dangerous city in the nation, and the chances of becoming a victim of a violent crime here are 1 in 95.
There are 10.94 violent crimes per 1,000 people, according to the survey, more than double the state average. Last year, we noted Odessa’s violent crime rate of 806 incidents per 100,000 was the highest in Texas. The second most dangerous city in 2015 was Lubbock with a violent crime rate of 658 incidents per 100,000 people.
However, Texas has no cities in the top 50 most violent in the nation. East St. Louis in Illinois tops the violent crime table.
If you have been charged with a violent crime like murder, kidnapping, or rape, you are likely to be facing a long term behind bars. It’s vital to obtain vigorous criminal representation. Call the Medlin Law Firm at (682) 204-4066.
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