Police shootings of unarmed black men dominated the news headlines in 2016 and fueled the Black Lives Matters ...
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The federal government devotes large amounts of time and money to federal child pornography offenses. Sentence...
Read MoreThe death sentence handed out to a Fort Worth man who shot and killed a five-year-old girl and her grandmother...
Read MoreThe case of Gene McGuire, the new chaplain for a chain of chicken dinner restaurants in northern Texas, illust...
Read MoreTexas is often seen as a state that’s tough on crime and its causes. However, the state is also lauded as an...
Read MoreThe case of Rosa Maria Ortega made headlines beyond Texas. Ortega was sentenced to eight years in prison earli...
Read MoreDriving at a high speed is one of the surest ways to be stopped by police and tested for a DWI. Police say a s...
Read MoreAs Fort Worth DWI defense lawyers, we often hear from defendants who believe if they fail a breath test they m...
Read MorePresident Donald Trump has honed in on law and order in his executive orders which could make crimes against p...
Read MoreTexas has a law of parties. It’s a harsh rule that can mean the accomplice to a crime receives the same pena...
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