A DWI stop is always stressful. Drivers who have been drinking alcohol will be tense. Even if you have not con...
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Drunk driving and drugged driving often make headlines. But in rare cases, alcohol or drugs can impact other f...
Read MoreDALLAS – Accidents related to driving under the influence of alcohol remained increased in the past 10 y...
Read MoreA man who was placed on the FBI’s list of 10 most-wanted fugitives after investigators said he killed tw...
Read MoreThe public’s perception of crime and how often it occurs is often at odd with reality. While many voters in ...
Read MoreIn Texas, any trace of alcohol in your bloodstream can lead to a DUI arrest if you are over 17 and under 21. T...
Read MoreFew hates crimes have been as blatant and horrifying in recent years than the massacres of black churchgoers c...
Read MoreIn 2016, immigration crimes made up more than half of all federal prosecutions. It’s a trend that’s likely...
Read MoreIn October, 2016, a man from Del Rio in Texas was sentenced to spend nine years in a federal prison for receiv...
Read MoreBefore the O.J. Simpson scandal and other high-profile cases of the 20th century, one of the biggest trials of...
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