How much coke is a felony in Texas? Well, when you say Coke, I’m guessing that you’re not talking about Coca-Cola. But you’re talking about cocaine. So any amount of cocaine is a felony in Texas. So, it starts with the lowest level offense of possession. Under one gram of cocaine, a penalty group of one substance. That’s a state jail felony-level offense, which carries up to two years in a state jail felony facility.
Now, if it’s one to four grams, that becomes a third-degree felony punishable by up to ten years in prison. If it’s four to two hundred grams, then that becomes a second-degree felony. It is punishable by up to twenty years in prison. And if it’s even more than that, then it can become a more serious first-degree felony-level offense.
Now, if cocaine is possessed with intent to deliver, or there’s evidence of intent to deliver or delivery of cocaine. Then that becomes a more serious higher-level offense. And even a small amount under a gram can be more serious than just a state jail felony offense. So the short answer is any level of cocaine in Texas is a felony.
Summary: Cocaine Felony Charges In Texas
Cocaine possession in the Lone Star State, often abbreviated as “Coke,” is a serious crime. Possessing less than one gram is a two-year in-state jail felony institution if convicted. For one and four grams of cocaine, it is a third-degree felony, and for ten years in prison. A second-degree felony is punishable with twenty years in jail.
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