How to avoid a DWI in Texas? The best tip is don’t drink and drive. The second best tip is to be responsible if you do go out and have something to drink.
A good general rule is no more than one drink per hour. Because, for a 150-pound male, one drink, which usually is defined as a 12-ounce normal beer (some beers have more alcohol than others), or one mixed drink with one shot of approximately 80 proof alcohol — Those will add or contribute to a 0.02 alcohol concentration. Again, that’s for a 150-pound male.
The heavier a person is, the more alcohol it’s gonna take to contribute that same amount. Also, the body metabolizes alcohol at the rate of almost one drink per hour. So, this varies from person to person and from time to time.
Generally, the body removes about 0.015, which is almost 0.02, or about 0.015 per hour. So if you don’t have more than one drink per hour, then you’re probably not gonna ever get to the point of being intoxicated which is not having a normal use of your mental or physical faculties, or being over 0.08.
Also, a good thing is to eat. If you eat and you have food in your stomach at the same time that you drink, then the food will absorb some of the alcohol and slow the absorption. The same amount of alcohol in your stomach will not get you as high a concentration as if you don’t have any alcohol in the stomach.
It’ll flatten the curve out a little bit. Now, it may stay in the system just a little bit longer, but you won’t get to as high a concentration if there’s food in the stomach. The type of food can affect this as well, like heavy foods, and fried foods, they’re gonna absorb more alcohol and slow the absorption better.
Eating is a good thing, spreading the alcohol out over a long period of time. Having some period of time where you allow your body to metabolize the alcohol that you’ve had to drink before you drive again. That’s a pretty good way to avoid a DWI in Texas.
Another good way is to Uber, get a taxi, or have a designated driver. Now, one thing about the designated driver is the designated driver should not drink at all. Had a lot of conversations with people who consider themselves a designated driver, and they thought, “I’ll just drink less than everybody else”. That’s not really a good plan. So, those are some of the ways to avoid a DWI in Texas.
Summary: How To Legally Avoid A DWI Charge In Texas
Avoiding a DWI in Texas is simple: refrain from drinking and driving. Remember that eating before drinking helps absorb alcohol, especially with heavy or fried foods. Additionally, opting for alternative transportation like Uber, a taxi, or a sober designated driver is a smart precaution. These strategies serve as effective ways to avoid a DWI in Texas.
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