What Is Theft By Deception About In Texas?
It’s deceiving someone in order to commit theft. It might be getting someone to perform a service, like doing some remodeling on your home, and saying you’re going to pay them for it, but then you get them something that is worthless or you don’t pay them. Then, that might be theft by deception. You got them to perform the service, believing that they were going to get paid and then you never paid them.
It’s like DoorDash, coming to the apartment and they say they’ve got the delivery for Joe Smith and you say “Hey, I’m Joe Smith, that’s mine.” You take it and you’re not Joe Smith. That might be theft by deception. So, it’s usually stealing by deceiving someone.
Theft by deception in Texas involves deceiving someone in order to commit theft, like promising payment for a service but not delivering or providing something worthless. One example is claiming a delivery meant for someone else as yours; it’s essentially stealing through deceit.
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