If you have been charged with a crime, you’ll quickly find the amount of paperwork is far greater than the papers you are issued with on your arrest.
Being arrested is a very stressful thing and it can be difficult to keep your wits about you. However, it’s important to keep the paperwork you receive in a safe place. We detail some of this paperwork on our website.
What To Expect After Being Charged With A Crime
If you are arrested for an offense and taken to jail the first step is to process you. That involves getting information such as your date of birth, identity and other personal details. Fingerprints will also be taken at this stage.
If there are questions about your identity your fingerprint results may be checked out.
After being processed, you will either be taken to a holding facility, or the main jail. Typically, larger Texas jails have holding areas where arrestees are placed initially. If you bond out you will be released from the holding area. If not, you may be placed with the general prison population.
If you post a cash bond, make sure to have a receipt for the cash bond. It’s important to have evidence that proves you paid.
Likewise, if you hire a bail bonds person, keep a copy of the bond paperwork. This evidence is important in case of a dispute later on.
This paperwork should contain details of the offense you have been charged with and the amount of the bond.
You may not know much beyond the offense you have been charged with and the bond amount. Don’t expect a bondsman to help you with your case.
It’s important at this point to hire an expert criminal defense lawyer who will take over your case and be responsible for all of the relevant paperwork.
If you are facing criminal hearings, it’s important to check for notifications to appear in court that will be sent in the mail.
If you are released on bond you will be notified by mail at the address you provided to the jail when you were released. If you gave an incorrect address or move you may not receive the notifications.
The correspondence will tell you which court your case has been assigned to, the court date and the time you are to appear.
Go directly to that court on the assigned date. Each court provides a docket sheet in front of the courtroom. Many now display the details such as the time of your appearance and the court on electronic screens. The docket sheet lists the name of each person who has a court appearance scheduled on any particular day.
If you have been charged with a crime, the procedures and paperwork can be overwhelming. A Fort Worth criminal defense lawyer can take over the burden. Contact the Medlin Law Firm today.
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