Casos Ganados Por El Equipo De The Medlin Law Firm

Cases Won By The Medlin Law Firm Team

Tried for Intoxication Manslaughter

Our client was in court accepting probation for possessing a controlled substance. After appearing before the judge and meeting with a probation officer, she drove home. On the way she fell asleep and drifted onto the shoulder of the highway, running over a man who had parked on the shoulder with car trouble, killing him ...

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Not Guilty by Jury After Blowing .14 with Breathalyzer Test

Our client was stopped for a traffic violation and admitted to having a few drinks earlier. The client did okay on the field sobriety tests, but was arrested and submitted to a breathalyzer test – the result was .14. We were able to show the jury how unreliable the breathalyzer is and how the particular ...

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Jury Acquittal for Capital Murder Charge

It was Christmas time and our client was going to walk to a holiday party. He stopped at his neighborhood convenience store to buy a scratch-off ticket – and was a winner! Just then a gang member walked in and pointed a gun at the store owner and demanded the cash. The gang member then ...

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Not Guilty by Jury: Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) Charge

Our client worked in air conditioning service and repair. He was stopped for a traffic violation and admitted to having a couple of drinks earlier. He did terribly on the DWI sobriety tests and looked to the police and prosecutors to be very intoxicated. He was arrested and charged for DWI. At trial, we were ...

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Not Guilty for DWI Charge with .20 blood test

Our client was stopped as he pulled into a taco restaurant drive through late in the evening. After admitting that he had a few beers earlier, the police officer had our client do the DWI field sobriety tests. Even though our client did well on those tests, but not perfect, the officer arrested and charged ...

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Acquitted: Drug Delivery Charge of 100+ Pounds of Marijuana

The client had delivered over 100 pounds of marijuana to an undercover officer and had prior drug arrests and probations and was looking at a possible long prison sentence for delivering drugs – potentially a life sentence. We had demanded, prior to the trial, disclosure of any confidential informants or snitches used by the police ...

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