How Our Current Clients Can Reach Us
For current clients trying to get in contact with our firm please fill out the below form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
For more urgent matters please give us a call.
Los clientes actuales de Forfc que intentan ponerse en contacto con nuestra firma deben completar el formulario a continuación y nos comunicaremos con usted lo antes posible. Para asuntos más urgentes por favor llámenos.
Emergency V. Urgency & Access To Your Attorneys
The Firm’s working hours are 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. The office is closed on weekends, all major national holidays, and the day after Thanksgiving. Our phone is answered 24-7, but after business hours and on weekends, our phone is answered by a live answering service that will take a message. This message will be responded to on the next business day. If told it is an emergency, the answering service will try to reach a staff member. If our staff is unavailable, a text message and Email will be sent to our staff asking them to please return your call immediately. Please only state it is an emergency if it is a true emergency.
Please see IV in How To Be An A Client
Phone Number For Current Clients ONLY
(for current clients only, all new potential clients or inquiries please call the number listed across our website to ensure you get right to our intake team that can properly answer your questions and guide you on your next steps)
(817) 900-6000
(682) 204-4066 We cannot receive pictures via text so please send those via email or hand deliver to our office.