An expunction is a legal process to remove a criminal conviction or a criminal charge or arrest from a person’s record and to delete, erase and destroy the state’s records of the arrest, charge, and/or conviction.

Charges have to be dismissed, no billed by the grand jury, or there must have been a finding of not guilty to be eligible for expunction. An expunction allows a person to legally deny the arrest or charge ever happened and the arrest or charge will not show up on a background check. Law enforcement does not maintain any record of the charge after an expunction.

If you have a criminal record and feel that you may benefit from obtaining such an order, please fill out the below form and a staff member will get back to you as soon as possible.




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    The Medlin Law Firm Criminal Legal Team

    (682) 204-4066 We cannot receive pictures via text so please send those via email or hand deliver to our office.

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