Driving is a privilege that many people take for granted. What would you do if you couldn’t drive your kids to school, drive to pick up groceries and go to the bank, or drive to visit an ailing relative in another county?
Driving is a luxury that many of us simply cannot afford to lose, but in the State of Texas, there are numerous ways you can do just that. Your license could be suspended or even revoked as punishment for the various offenses.
Having your license suspended is a very serious matter and could be a devastating blow for you and your family. For your information, we’ve outlined some of the important things to know about license suspension in Texas, but if you need specific legal advice for your personal situation please call The Medlin Law Firm to discuss your options.
Common Grounds For Driver’s License Suspension
There are numerous reasons you could be facing a suspended license, the most common of which is normally for multiple or unpaid traffic violations. For example, if you get too many speeding tickets or if you fail to pay numerous parking violations you could have your license suspended. The length of time and the amount of fine you will have to pay will vary depending on factors like the frequency of the violations or the amount owed.
Another way to have your license suspended is to be declared medically unable to drive. Whether you have seizures or you are elderly and can no longer see very well if you are declared medically unfit to drive your license will be suspended until you can prove that the impairment is no longer impeding your driving ability.
Additionally, if you are in a car accident without car insurance, and the accident results in death, injury, or $1000 or more in property damage, you will also have your license suspended until requirements specific to your case are met.
Suspensiones Por DWI/DUI En Texas
Most people know that you will also have your license suspended or revoked if you are convicted of a DWI. Whether you’re driving a car or a boat, if you get caught drinking and driving your license can be suspended. For first offenders over 21 you can lose your license for up to one year, or one year along with special requirements like completing an Alcohol Education course if you are under 21. Furthermore, your license can be suspended for 90 days to two years under the Administrative License Revocation Program if you refuse to take a breathalyzer test or take and fail the test, or for up to 90 days if you are under 21 and get caught trying to buy alcohol, possessing or consuming alcohol, or for public intoxication.
Options For Recovering Your Driver’s License
Generally, in order to get your license back, you must wait out the duration of the suspension and fulfill any associated requirements or fines. You will also have to pay reinstatement fees.
Under certain circumstances, you can request a hearing regarding the possible license suspension for which you will likely want to hire an experienced attorney to represent you. Some people are also eligible for an Occupational License which would allow them to drive under limited circumstances such as going to work, school, or carrying out household functions.
Losing your right to drive could affect you more than you ever imagined. If you are in danger of having your license suspended or revoked, or if you’ve already lost your license for any reason, call The Medlin Law Firm to discuss your options for taking back your freedom.
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