There are numerous colleges and universities in the Fort Worth area, including Texas Christian University, the University of Texas at Arlington, Texas Wesleyan University, and the University of North Texas. The tens of thousands of college students in the area should know their legal rights when facing a criminal charge or academic charge.
Facing an accusation of wrongdoing is often stressful, whether it is on campus or in a criminal court. Conviction of a crime could undermine all the work you put into your education and future. Furthermore, being found in violation of your school’s student code of conduct may damage your reputation and put your future after graduation at risk.
Therefore, if you are facing an academic or criminal charge, it may be wise to speak with a Fort Worth student defense lawyer about your case. An experienced criminal defense attorney could work to protect you and your rights while providing practical legal advice and guidance.
Common Charges Fort Worth Students Face
The most common criminal charges that students in Fort Worth face involve alcohol, such as:
- Underage possession of alcohol
- Underage consumption of alcohol
- Driving while intoxicated
- Possession of illegal drugs
- Unlawfully purchasing or providing alcohol to a minor
Most of these crimes revolve around the accused’s age. When it comes to alcohol, state law defines a minor as anyone under the age of 21. Even though a student may be a legal adult, if they are found in possession or consumption of alcohol they could face a criminal charge. Moreover, if a fellow student over the age of 21 gives a minor alcohol, both students could be charged with a crime.
Other less common but potentially more serious criminal charges that students may face include distribution of illegal drugs, driving with an open container of alcohol, sexual assault, battery, reckless driving, and petty theft. Even a misdemeanor conviction one of these charges could lead to high fines and incarceration. Importantly, students with a criminal conviction could also lose their scholarships and endanger their career prospects.
Talk To A Fort Worth Student Defense Attorney Today
Are you facing a criminal charge and are worried it may derail your academic future? Were you accused of violating your school’s student code of conduct? Such allegations can lead to life-altering consequences, so it is important to take them seriously. Call a Fort Worth student defense lawyer today to learn how they may be able to help you avoid conviction.
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