Domestic Violence Lawyer: The Stigma On Male Victims Of Domestic Violence
What Is Domestic Violence?
Domestic violence is a pattern of abusive behavior in any relationship that is used to gain or maintain power and control over an intimate partner. Domestic violence can be physical, sexual, emotional, economic, or psychological abuse.
This type of behavior is harmful to a family. All members of the family are victims if they experience domestic violence – adults and children alike, regardless of gender.
Teen dating violence is serious and can include physical, emotional, and verbal abuse. If you are charged with a crime relating to domestic violence in these areas of Texas, contact an experienced family violence or domestic violence lawyer for help.
What Are The Different Types Of Domestic Violence?
There are many different types of domestic violence. The most common are physical, emotional, sexual, and economic abuse. Domestic violence can take place in different contexts such as households, workplaces, and schools.
Physical abuse is the use of physical force against someone else. This can include hitting, punching, slapping, choking, and using weapons.
Emotional abuse is any type of behavior that intimidates, humiliates, isolates, or frightens the victim. This can include verbal threats and insults, stalking or harassing behavior, destruction of property, and withholding money or essential items.
Sexual abuse is any non-consensual act of a sexual nature. This can include unwanted touching or groping, forced sex or sexual contact, rape or attempted rape, and sexual exploitation (such as making someone watch pornography).
Economic abuse is when one person controls the other’s access to money and resources in order to maintain power and control over them. This can include denying the victim basic needs such as food or shelter, refusing to give them money for necessary expenses, and limiting their access to transportation or communication tools.
Forms Of Domestic Abuse
What Is Emotional Abuse?
Emotional abuse is a type of abuse that involves emotionally damaging someone else. This can involve making the person feel worthless, insignificant, and/or helpless. Emotional abuse can also involve withholding love, support, and/or resources. Gaslighting is a form of emotional abuse in which a person or entity, in order to gain more power, makes a victim question their reality. The abuser would make the victim think they thought or did something wrong, that they remembered things incorrectly, that they may be suffering mental breaks, among other things.
Prevalence: Emotional abuse/gaslighting is common. It is estimated that 60% of women and 40% of men in the United States have been emotionally abused by a partner.
The Truth: Emotional abuse is more common than you may think. It can involve insults, humiliation, intimidation, isolation, and threats. Emotional abuse can also be very subtle and hard to detect. Many people who are emotionally abused don’t realize they are being abused until it’s too late.
What Are The Signs Of Emotional Abuse?
The signs of emotional abuse can be difficult to spot, as they often occur gradually and may not be outwardly visible. However, some of the most common signs of emotional abuse include:
- Feeling scared or intimidated by the abuser
- Feeling like you’re always walking on eggshells around the abuser
- Having your feelings and opinions dismissed
- Being constantly criticized
- Being told you’re not good enough
- Being isolated from friends and family
There are many signs that can indicate emotional abuse. If you feel fear in the presence of someone, or if you see them destroying property or having violent outbursts, this could be a sign of emotional abuse. Additionally, if children witness family violence, they too are considered victims and can suffer from emotional abuse.
What Is Physical Abuse?
Physical abuse is any kind of intentional physical harm or violence inflicted on someone else. This can include slapping, punching, pulling hair, and more.
Domestic physical abuse is when one family or household member physically harms another family or household member. This type of abuse can take many forms, including hitting, slapping, punching, pushing, choking, and using weapons to harm someone. It can also include denying someone food, water, shelter, or medical care.
Spouses and partners are susceptible to physical abuse by a partner/spouse. Family members who witness family violence may also experience it themselves (family members of both genders). Teen dating violence often takes many forms that are both emotionally and physically violent.
Domestic violence and economic abuse are types of physical abuse. Domestic violence and guns are examples of domestic violence that can lead to physical abuse. It is also the case when one person in a relationship uses that power to control the other through any means including emotional manipulation or threats of harm or death.
What Are The Signs Of Physical Abuse?
Physical abuse can leave a variety of signs on a person’s body. Some common physical abuse signs include:
- Bruises, welts, or cuts on the body
- Broken bones
- Burn marks
- Sprains, dislocations, or fractures
- Internal injuries
- Black eyes or swollen features
- Signs of restraint
Physical abuse is often characterized by hitting or using a weapon. While bruises and cuts may be the most visible signs of physical abuse, there are also other, less obvious signs. For example, if your partner constantly isolates you from family members, friends, and loved ones, this could be a sign that they’re trying to control your behavior. Additionally, unexplained injuries and explanations that don’t quite add up can also be red flags.
What Is Sexual Abuse?
Sexual abuse is the intentional sexual contact or behavior between an adult and child without that child’s consent. It can involve touching, exposure to pornographic material, voyeurism, and rape. The National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey Summary Report (2010) found that nearly 1 million women are raped every year in America, which means there are about 4 rapes per minute in this country.
Sexual abuse can happen to anyone, regardless of their age, gender identity, race, or socioeconomic status. Anyone who experiences sexual abuse should seek help from a trusted adult as soon as possible. However, if you have been accused of domestic sexual abuse, you also need to seek the help of a domestic violence lawyer as soon as possible.
What Are The Signs Of Sexual Abuse?
Some signs of sexual abuse are obvious. A victim may have a sexually transmitted disease or show signs of physical trauma, such as bleeding, pain or discomfort when urinating, itching around the genital area or in the anal region, and other similar indications. These signs are especially important to note in the case of minors and other vulnerable family members who are unable to verbally complain.
Are Male Victims Of Domestic Violence Less Likely To Report It Than Female Victims?
There is a common misconception that male victims of domestic violence are less likely to report it than female victims. However, this is not always the case. In fact, many organizations have launched services specifically for male victims of domestic violence.
These services exist, but they don’t get as much focus in the media or from national organizations like shelters and hotlines because they are more difficult to find, require assistance in finding them, and lack funding due to lack of awareness about their existence.
This means that many men feel silenced when there is only a focus on the one type of situation that does fit this definition. Male victims of domestic violence often use humor to cope with and minimize their experience, which may make them less likely to report it than women. However, this does not mean that they are less likely to report it than female victims. In fact, funding for all abuse is required by most federal agencies; this includes male victims of abuse.
Male victims of domestic violence, who normally file for orders of protection, are commonly denied and therefore more likely to be harmed. Male victims may fear repercussions in the court system due to their male identity, particularly if family members are violent themselves.
By acknowledging the needs of male domestic violence victims, society can provide protections that promote safety and protection from future violence.
If you are a man who is experiencing domestic violence, there are advocates who can help with safety planning, brainstorm alternatives to local programs, and provide information without judgment or confidentiality guidelines if necessary. You are not alone–please reach out for help today.
However, if you have been accused of domestic violence, you need to reach out for help from a capable domestic violence lawyer.
What To Do When You Are Charged With Domestic Violence
It is important to seek legal counsel as soon as possible. There are defenses available to domestic violence charges, but they must be raised early in the process. To raise one of these defenses, you must show that you had a reasonable fear of harm or were defending yourself or another person from harm.
You need a criminal defense attorney who understands the ins and outs of domestic violence charges and can help you build a defense.
The Medlin Law Firm is a highly rated firm with award-winning criminal defense attorneys. These lawyers have the experience and knowledge to adequately fight a domestic violence charge and help you reach the best possible outcome.
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