In Texas, rape is legally referred to as sexual assault and is considered an extremely serious allegation. Any time a person is allegedly forced to engage in sexual behavior either against their will or otherwise without consent, the alleged perpetrator can face criminal charges.

If you are facing allegations of rape, you are facing the life-changing penalties that come with the charge. Therefore, it is important to reach out to a Fort Worth rape lawyer who could advocate aggressively for your rights. Contact an experienced attorney today to discuss your case.

Rape Statutes

In Texas, the commonly referred to crime of “rape” is classified as “sexual assault” and covers a wide variety of prohibited sexual activities. If an individual is over the age of 17, a person commits the crime of sexual assault if they intentionally or knowingly:

  • Cause the penetration of the anus or sexual organ of another person by any means, without their consent
  • Cause the penetration of the mouth of another person by the sexual organ of the perpetrator without their consent
  • Cause the sexual organ of another person, without their consent, to contact or penetrate the anus, mouth or sexual organ of another person, including the perpetrator

A person also commits sexual assault if they intentionally or knowingly perform any sexual act on an underage person. This can include causing the penetration of the anus or sexual organ of the underage person by any means or causing the penetration of the mouth of the underage person by the perpetrator’s sexual organ, among other actions.

Aggravated Sexual Assault

The Texas statute also delineates several instances in which the crime of sexual assault is elevated to aggravated sexual assault. These include instances in which the perpetrator:

  • Causes serious bodily injury or death to another person
  • Places the individual in fear of death, kidnapping, or serious bodily injury
  • Threatens to cause the death, kidnapping, or serious bodily injury of another person
  • Uses or exhibits a deadly weapon
  • Administers or provides a “date rape” drug to the other person in order to facilitate the sexual assault
  • Commits a sexual assault against a person who is under the age of 14
  • Commits a sexual assault against a person who is 65 years or older or is disabled

Consequences of a Conviction in Fort Worth

The penalty for sexual assault includes a prison sentence of two to 20 years and registration as a sex offender. The penalty for aggravated sexual assault includes a sentence of five to 99 years in prison or even a life in prison and registration as a sex offender. However, the prison sentence can be increased to a minimum of 25 years if the other person was younger than six or younger than 14 and subjected to any type of violence.

Further, it is important to note that when someone registers as a sex offender, their information is available on a public database and limits where the person can live and work. This can also follow the person for the rest of their life. Given the potential permanence of these consequences, it is important to reach out to a Fort Worth rape lawyer who could help.

Consult a Fort Worth Rape Attorney

Being found guilty of rape or sexual assault can result in far more than a prison sentence or a fine, it can create a lifelong stigma that can severely limit your freedom. Therefore, it is important to fight these charges.

An aggressive Fort Worth rape lawyer could fight by your side to help you maintain your freedom. A well-established legal team has experience defending against these allegations and understands that there are two sides to every story. Call a Fort Worth attorney for a free consultation.


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