Facing theft charges can be overwhelming. It can be stressful waiting to find out whether the charges will be for a misdemeanor or felony theft. However, a Parker County theft lawyer understands Texas laws and could explain the implications of the specific charges against you, including the possible legal sanctions for a theft conviction.
A team of dedicated criminal attorneys could also prepare an individualized defense strategy tailored to your situation to help you obtain the best possible legal outcome. An experienced attorney understands the charges you are up against and how to defend against them.
Types of Theft in Parker County
In Parker County and throughout the state of Texas, there are several different acts that constitute a form of theft under Section 31.02 of the Texas Penal Code. In general, taking property without the property owner’s permission or knowingly accepting stolen property are both considered theft. Some of the specific types of theft someone can be arrested and charged within Parker County include:
- Shoplifting
- Theft from a person
- Theft by false pretext
- Acquiring property via threats
- Receiving stolen property
- Concealing stolen property
- Embezzlement
- Extortion
Laws and Sanctions
Criminal sanctions for theft crimes vary based on the value of the property stolen. Section 31.03 of the Texas Penal Code outlines different classes of misdemeanor theft and different degrees of felony theft. Misdemeanors are less serious offenses involving the theft of property of lesser value than that of felony thefts.
Criminal charges for theft offenses range from minor Class C misdemeanors to felony offenses of the first degree, which are the most serious. There are three classes of misdemeanor theft crimes:
- Class C misdemeanors — theft of property valued at less than $100
- Class B misdemeanors — theft of property valued at between $100 and $750
- Class A misdemeanors — theft of property valued at between $750 and $2,500
There are four degrees of felony theft crimes outlined in the Texas penal code (see Section 31.03):
- State Jail Felony – theft of property valued between $2,500 and $30,000
- Third degree — theft of property valued at between $30,000 and $150,000
- Second degree — theft of property valued at between $150,000 and $300,000
- First degree — theft of property valued at over $300,000
The criminal sanctions for misdemeanor theft offenses are generally lower than for felony theft offenses. Theft in Parker County can result in criminal penalties ranging from a fine of $500 or less for a Class C misdemeanor to imprisonment of five years or more and a fine for a first-degree felony. A Parker County theft lawyer could clearly explain the specific misdemeanor or felony theft charges someone is facing, as well as the possible legal sanctions. Attorneys could also attempt to negotiate with prosecutors for lesser charges or penalties.
A Parker County Theft Attorney is Here to Help
If you are facing possible theft charges, there might be several questions running through your mind. You might be wondering exactly what the charges against you mean, as well as what possible legal penalties could result in the event of a conviction. You might also be wondering what happens next.
Attempting to fight theft charges on your own can be confusing and overwhelming. An experienced Parker County theft lawyer could navigate the complicated legal system on your behalf while also advocating for you. For help dealing with possible theft charges, contact us today.
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