The act of arson typically involves starting a fire or explosion which damages another person’s property. If the police have accused you of committing arson, it may be time to talk to an attorney. An accusation of arson could have lifelong negative effects since arson is generally considered to be a felony in Texas. Speak to a Tarrant County arson lawyer before making a statement to law enforcement. Police officers or prosecutors may use any statements against you in court.
If you unsure of how to proceed and what will happen, a legal representative from our firm could help you determine your legal options. The government generally takes any potential act of arson seriously because of the danger and risk associated with fires and explosions. Our knowledgeable criminal defense lawyers could assess the facts of your case and work to help build a credible defense.
Arson Laws in Tarrant County
According to the Texas Penal Code Section 28.02, it is illegal to start a fire or explosion with the intention to destroy or damage buildings, homes, vehicles, or structures on open land including fences and vegetation.
To be charged with arson, a defendant typically must intentionally set a fire knowing that:
- A property is within the limits of a city or town
- A property is insured against damage
- A property is subject to a mortgage
- A property belongs to another person or entity
- A fire poses a danger to another person or another person’s property
An explosion or fire caused by the manufacture of controlled substances may also be considered arson under state laws. Someone who is facing such charges may significantly benefit from meeting with a skilled Tarrant County arson lawyer. A conviction for arson generally results in severe consequences that could harm a person’s quality of life and drastically limit a person’s freedom through potential fines and incarceration.
Possible Penalties and Defenses for Arson
The government generally defines any act of arson as a second-degree felony, which the court may punish with two to 20 years in jail and up to $10,000 in fines. An offense of arson could be a first-degree felony if the fire caused serious bodily injury or death to a person or the building that was burned or intended to be burned was a home or place of worship. The court could also punish a charged individual with a jail sentence of five to 99 years or life and up to $10,000 in fines.
If the fire occurred because a person was making a controlled substance, the offense is often considered to be a third-degree felony. The court could punish a convicted person in this instance with two to 10 years in jail and up to $10,000 in fines.
There are various defenses that may be available if the government charges a person with arson. An accused person could show that they were executing a plan of controlled burning in an open space or provide proof of a municipal permit that allowed the person to start a particular fire for a particular purpose. When a person demonstrates that either of those situations was the true cause of the alleged fire or explosion, they could potentially have a legally valid defense.
Let an Arson Attorney in Tarrant County Help
Since the courts frequently consider arson to be an extreme danger and damaging act the punishments for any suspected offenders can be severe. If you are accused of arson, you may need help fighting the charges. Consider enlisting the services of a Tarrant County arson lawyer who could help explain the charges you are facing and potential legal options that may be advantageous to your case. Developing a strategic and credible defense could substantially increase your chance for a favorable outcome in court than proceeding without legal representation. Call and schedule an appointment with a committed defense attorney who is familiar with this area of law.
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