Drug manufacturing offenses generally involve an accusation that someone has been making or mixing an illegal drug or other controlled substance. If you are dealing with a drug manufacturing offense, it may be critical for you to have appropriate resources to educate yourself on your situation. You may also wish to retain legal help in case you have to defend yourself against any possible criminal charges.
For any such scenario in Texas, a Tarrant County drug manufacturing lawyer may be able to provide you with the kind of advice and assistance you need. Just like personal knowledge and research, experienced substance attorneys who have handled drug manufacturing cases before may be valuable assets in your specific case.
What are the Laws Surrounding Drug Manufacturing?
Tarrant County generally forbids the knowing manufacture of any illicit or controlled substances. Texas state law further assigns different controlled substances into different penalty groups, each of which is associated with a specific set of criminal penalties. In other words, the potential punishments for a drug manufacturing offense vary according to the controlled substance at issue.
According to Texas Health and Safety Code §§481.112 through 481.114, knowingly manufacturing any substance covered by any of the penalty groups may result in a minimum charge of a state jail felony. Manufacturing increased amounts of any illicit substance generally results in an increased charge.
For example, T.H.S.C. §481.114 stipulates that an individual accused with manufacturing 28 grams or more, but less than 200 grams, of a controlled substance in penalty group 3 or 4 may face a second-degree felony charge. However, a first-degree felony charge may result if that individual manufactured more than 200 grams but less than 400 grams of that same illicit substance.
Types of Drugs in Drug Manufacturing Offenses
The Texas Health and Safety Code defines six different penalty groups, each one containing a list of specific controlled substances. As mentioned previously, drug manufacturing offenses for different controlled substances may result in different penalties.
Severity of Opioid-Related Charges
Opioids—including morphine—and cocaine are listed in penalty group 1 according to T.H.S.C. §481.102, and LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide) is listed in penalty group 1-A according to T.H.S.C. §481.1021. Penalty groups 2 and 2-A—T.H.S.C. §§481.103 and 481.1031, respectively—cover several hallucinogenic substances and various synthetic drugs, and some barbiturates and narcotics are listed under T.H.S.C. §481.104 as belonging to penalty group 3. Penalty group 4 includes various compounds or mixtures of narcotics under T.H.S.C. §481.105.
Any individual who has questions about a specific controlled substance and the penalty group to which it belongs may wish to contact a Tarrant County drug manufacturing lawyer. Such attorneys may also have more information on the relationship between a given penalty group and any possible criminal charges.
Consult A Tarrant County Drug Manufacturing Attorney As Soon As Possible
If you are accused of, or charged with, a drug manufacturing offense, you may benefit from a consultation with a Tarrant County drug manufacturing lawyer. They could give you more information about your specific situation, as well as advise you on possible options to defend your rights. Do not hesitate to contact qualified legal help if you are dealing with a possible drug manufacturing charge.
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