When it comes to drug-related crimes in Tarrant County, the law generally encompasses several different types of potential offenses in a few statutes. One such offense is that of drug trafficking, which is usually defined as the distribution or delivery of an illicit substance. The outcome of drug trafficking cases may hinge on the exact type of illicit substance being transported, as well as the exact quantity.
If you face accusations of a drug trafficking offense in Texas, consider calling a Tarrant County drug trafficking lawyer. A qualified narcotics attorney may be able to help you answer questions or concerns about your legal case and could also assist you in defending yourself against any possible drug trafficking charge.
Tarrant County Laws Relating to Drug Trafficking
Generally, the state of Texas defines drug trafficking as the knowing manufacture, delivery, or possession with intent to deliver any controlled substance. Trafficking of any amount of a controlled substance under any of the penalty groups may result in a felony charge.
At minimum, trafficking a relatively small amount of a controlled substance may result in a state jail felony. Distribution or delivery of larger amounts of a controlled substance may result in higher degrees of felony, up to and including charges in the first degree.
What are the Marijuana Laws?
Tarrant County does not classify marijuana under one of the above penalty groups. Rather, Texas state law has a separate statute relating to marijuana trafficking. An individual charged with trafficking less than a fourth of an ounce of marijuana may face a misdemeanor if convicted. However, a person convicted of trafficking more than a fourth of an ounce of marijuana is guilty of a felony.
Categorizing Illegal Drugs and Controlled Substances
Texas law categorizes illegal drugs and other controlled substances into the following six penalty groups:
- Penalty group 1, which includes substances such as opioids, morphine, and cocaine
- Penalty group 1-A, which includes substances such as LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide)
- Penalty group 2, which includes different hallucinogenic compounds
- Penalty group 2-A, which includes various synthetic drugs
- Penalty group 3, which includes certain barbiturates and narcotics
- Penalty group 4, which includes various compounds containing narcotics
Each of the above penalty groups has its own set of potential penalties for drug-related offenses. Thus, if an individual is charged with trafficking a specific substance, their potential punishment depends on the penalty group to which that substance belongs—for example, a person accused of trafficking LSD may face the criminal penalties associated with penalty group 1-A. Tarrant County drug trafficking lawyers may be able to answer an individual’s specific questions about their case and any charge pending against them.
How a Narcotics Attorney May Be Able to Assist
Drug-related offenses, especially drug trafficking charges, may often be difficult to understand. Penalties may differ depending on the type of drug involved, as well as the amount of the drug. However, a Tarrant County drug trafficking lawyer may be able to help you make sense of your situation.
An experienced attorney could be available for a consultation to discuss your specific situation, analyze any charges pending against you, and advise you on how to respond. The experience of a veteran legal team intimately familiar with Texas drug laws may be beneficial in helping you defend against any drug trafficking charges.
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