Many states have separate laws for different drug-related offenses, and Texas is no different. If you were charged with violating a specific drug law, you may have many questions, including what exactly the charge is, what legal proceedings you should expect, and whether hiring a lawyer is in your best interest.

A Tarrant County volume dealer lawyer could answer these questions and many more. If you have been accused of a drug offense, especially if it involves volume dealing of a specific drug, a knowledgeable attorney could provide you with information and resources to assist you in navigating your case. They could represent you in court to defend any drug-related charge, including any volume dealing offense.

Classifications of Controlled Substances

In Tarrant County, illegal drugs are categorized into six penalty groups, with group 1 containing the most dangerous drugs and group 4 primarily reserved for various compounds and mixtures that contain or may be used to make narcotics.

Specifically, Texas Health and Safety Code §§481.102 through 481.105 classify every substance criminalized under Texas state law into a penalty group, which in turn is used as a baseline for what potential punishments may be levied in the event of a conviction. For example, LSD is classified in penalty group 1-A, and hallucinogenic compounds and specific synthetic drugs are classified in groups 2 and 2-A, respectively. Penalty group 3 contains barbiturates and narcotics.

How Tarrant County Addresses Volume Dealing Cases

In Tarrant County, it is illegal to knowingly deliver, or possess with intent to deliver, any controlled substance listed in the penalty groups described above. Different potential punishments exist for distributing or dealing different illicit substances. In fact, each penalty group has its own corresponding statute setting forth various criminal penalties: T.H.S.C. §481.112 for penalty group 1, T.H.S.C. §481.1121 for penalty group 1-A, T.H.S.C. §481.113 for penalty groups 2 and 2-A, and T.H.S.C. §481.114 for penalty groups 3 and 4.

What Are the Associated Consequences?

According to the above statutes, the volume dealing of a controlled substance in any penalty group is a felony. Generally, the distribution of increasing amounts of an illicit substance results in a stronger penalty. The maximum potential punishment for an individual convicted of dealing large amounts of a controlled substance is a prison term coupled with a monetary fine.

For example, under T.H.S.C. §481.113, a person convicted of dealing 400 grams or more of any substance covered by penalty groups 2 or 2-A may face a minimum of ten years in prison and a maximum $100,000 fine. Any individual who believes they may face similar charges for distributing controlled substances could benefit from calling a Tarrant County volume dealer lawyer.

Treatment of Marijuana Offenses

The state of Texas has a separate statute outside of the above code sections for penalizing marijuana dealing or distribution. An individual convicted of knowingly or intentionally delivering marijuana may face a felony charge. The maximum possible penalty of ten years or more in prison, as well as a maximum fine of $100,000, may apply to individuals convicted of dealing more than 2,000 pounds of marijuana.

Seeking Advice From a Volume Dealer Attorney

Being accused of a drug-related offense can be a very unpleasant experience, especially if the offense involves the dealing of large quantities of drugs. When faced with any volume dealing charge, it may be important to adequately understand your rights so that you could defend yourself and your best interests in court.

A Tarrant County volume dealer lawyer who is experienced with cases that involve larger quantities of drugs or other illicit substances may be exactly who you need on your side. If you are interested in obtaining legal help for any drug-related offense, especially one involving volume dealing, get in touch with a seasoned local attorney today to set up an initial meeting.


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