Accusations of drug-related criminal offenses can be worrisome because of the potential consequences of a drug conviction on your life. A conviction can affect your family, housing situation, job, and higher education prospects. You may have many questions about Texas drug laws, your legal rights, and your available options. If you are in this situation, you may need a Weatherford drug lawyer who knows the legal justice system inside and out. By consulting with an experienced criminal defense lawyer on our legal team, you could protect your legal rights and increase your chances of receiving a favorable verdict.
Understanding the Controlled Substances Act
The Texas Controlled Substances Act details state law offenses involving drugs. Drug offenses in Weatherford include possession, possession with the intent to sell or distribute, importation, cultivation, drug trafficking, manufacturing, possession of chemicals used in drug manufacturing, and illegal possession of prescription drugs. State laws divide drugs into five penalty groups based on their potential for abuse, level of addictiveness, and accepted medical usage.
Penalty Group 1 drugs are categorized as the most dangerous and addictive, so criminal offenses involving these drugs are charged as felonies and carry the harshest penalties. An example of a Penalty Group 1 drug is cocaine.
On the other hand, Penalty Group 4 drugs tend to have the lowest addictive properties and typically have accepted medical usage. Cough syrup containing small amounts of codeine is an example of a Penalty Group 4 drug.
Offenses involving a drug that is not classified according to one of the schedules are Class A misdemeanors. Marijuana is in a penalty class of its own. Charges for marijuana-related offenses range from Class B misdemeanors to first-degree felonies. Anyone facing a drug-related offense should reach out to a reliable Weatherford drug lawyer and begin developing a substantial legal defense.
Possible Penalties for a Drug Conviction
There are a wide range of criminal penalties for Weatherford drug offenses depending on the type of drug, the nature of the offense, the level of the offense charged, and the presence of previous drug convictions.
For instance, the manufacture, delivery, and/or possession of controlled substances can result in range of punishment, from a minimum penalty of 180 days in jail and fines to a maximum penalty of life in prison and a $250,000 fine for a first-degree felony).
The amount of the drug possessed, distributed, or sold also can have a direct bearing on the level of the charge as well as the potential penalties. Similarly, possession of a drug in a drug-free zone or possession with intent to distribute are other aggravating factors that can increase the level of charge and range of penalties.
Individuals who are convicted of a drug offense typically are subject to a driver’s license suspension of 180 days. Once individuals regain their license, they will have to obtain and maintain a SR-22 certificate of financial responsibility from their insurance company for two years. A drug conviction also requires an individual to attend an authorized 15-hour drug education course.
Diversion programs, particularly for first-time offenders, youthful offenders, and lower-level drug offenses may be available in some Texas jurisdictions. The eligibility requirements differ from one program and one jurisdiction to the next, but these programs may offer options to avoid significant terms of incarceration, enroll in drug rehabilitation or education programs, or even maintain a clear criminal record in some cases.
Do Not Delay in Contacting a Weatherford Drug Defense Attorney
Drug offenses can have serious implications for both your current lifestyle and your future, in terms of your career, financial security, and freedom. A Weatherford drug lawyer may be an important tool for building a defense against the drug charges and minimizing their potential consequences.
Consult a drug defense attorney in Weatherford to answer your questions and build a strong case to deal with the accusations against you.
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