Things That You Could Be Denied To Due To A Drug Conviction

Drug crime convictions range from arrests for driving while under the influence of cannabis to being arrested with illegal drugs. The criminal penalties depend on the drugs involved and the severity of the offense. However, there are a number of long-term effects that affect you for years after the conviction. What can I be denied to due to a drug crime conviction?

A Driver’s License

If you are convicted of any drug offense in Texas, you can lose your driver’s licensed for 180 days. You must complete a drug education course within that time to get the license back.

Driving under the influence of illegal drugs is a separate and more severe category of crime in Texas. And the severity of the consequences varies based on age. Anyone under the age of 21 found to be driving with any drugs or alcohol in their system could have their driver’s license suspended for up to a year on the first offense. If you’re given community service as punishment, the license is suspended for 90 days.

For adults over the age of 21, the driver’s license could be suspended up to two years for the first offense. You may also be hit with a surcharge of up to two thousand dollars a year to keep the driver’s license and/or a fine of up to two thousand dollars. The court could order you to have an interlock device installed on the ignition, and you have to pay for that. You can also be sent to jail for anywhere from 2 to 180 days. Penalties are more severe for a second and third offense. The greatest increase is in the amount of jail time you could serve.

Drug And Marijuana Possession Lawyer In Dallas Fort Worth DFW Area

College Admission

Colleges will not necessarily ban you because you ate marijuana brownies. However, they will give preference to candidates who don’t have drug convictions on their record. If you are in school and found guilty of a drug offense, it could lead to your expulsion at school. Other schools would treat the first offense as a moderately severe rule violation. You lose your campus job, your scholarships and your ability to join extracurricular activities, but you still have the option to earn a degree.

Jobs that Hold the Public Trust

We won’t say that a drug conviction prevents you from ever finding work. However, it can affect your eligibility for an employer. Whether you’re driving under the influence of alcohol or cannabis, such a conviction will prevent you from getting a commercial driver’s license. Now you can’t work as a professional driver. Misdemeanor drug convictions could prevent you from working in a medical role, because they can’t be sure you won’t steal medication intended for patients. It typically bars you from a job in law enforcement or education. The military may accept a waiver if it was truly an adolescent indiscretion.


Are you a legal immigrant? A felony can get you deported. This includes multiple misdemeanor drug charges and aggravated felony drug convictions. For example, you can be deported if you commit crimes of moral turpitude like aggravated driving under the influence. This category includes multiple driving under the influence convictions in the span of a few years, DUI with a child in the car, and drunk driving while your driver’s license is suspended.

For further answers, it is recommended to talk to a prominent Marijuana & Drug Possession Lawyer In Fort Worth, TX.

See: What Means To ‘Possess’ A Drug In The State Of Texas?
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