Ignition Interlock Device Requirements For Drug-Related DWI Offenses
This is somewhat insane, but yes, you must have the interlock system in your car. An interlock device can detect alcohol on someone’s breath. It does not do anything to detect anything else such as drugs. Nevertheless, if a person has a second time DWI, even though it is an allegation of DWI by drugs, they will be required to have an interlock device installed. Tell me what good that does, I do not know, but judges are not going to let someone who has a second time DWI on bond without a requirement of an interlock device, even if the allegation is just drugs instead of alcohol. If that is called to the judge’s attention, and the person says, “Hey I shouldn’t have that interlock device, the allegation is drugs. The interlock is not going to detect drugs”, then they may find themselves wishing they had not said anything, because the judge may say, “Okay, then I am going to put you on bond conditions that require you to submit to a urine test weekly, and reporting to a probation officer, and submitting the urine test weekly”. Therefore, you have to be careful what you ask for.
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